Saturday, May 8, 2010

God - The Best Provider!

God is our Provider and no matter what our income He will provide for our every need because we are His children and what earthly father won't provide for his child's needs? We all know that God is very different from our earthly father so how much more will our Heavenly Father, Who loves us far above what we can ever know, provide for our needs but we must be willing to accept His provisions the way He sees fit to provide because if we resist instead of receiving His provisions then we will definitely lose out.

Speaking of provisions... I started going to Weight Watchers two weeks ago and I found that I would not be able to afford to pay the monthly fee but I could do the 'Pay As You Go' plan, which means when I can pay I can go. Well, the gal who told me about our neighborhood WW told me she was going to be at the 9AM meeting so I decided I'd go and sit with her. I lost 1.25 lbs in two weeks (my weight is now 234.55). Not a record but I did not do the plan because I am rebellious about having to be on someone else's "plan" - shouldn't I be able to come up with my own plan in my own time? Of course! Well, I had a plan which was to at least lose a little and I did lose a little so I feel like even though my plan was minimal I am still a success. It didn't get me a star today but I wasn't going for the gold...

Anyhoo, I finished the support group, said bye to my new found friend as she was leaving and I stayed for the intro class. It was short but "sweet" (yum - I feel a craving coming on). So, as I was leaving a gal walks through the door and announces that she is going to pay for the monthly fee for me but she doesn't want anyone to know except for me and the people who are going to charge her credit card. I was flabbergasted and I didn't know where to put all of this in my psyche. I teared all up as I told her I was fine but she insisted and told all of us that she is almost to her goal weight and when she hits it she will be a lifetime member and won't have to pay for herself anymore so she wanted to do this for me. Everyone involved got the warm-fuzzies and we were all touched by her generosity.

Now I realize that I have to do a good job to get to my goal weight ASAP so I can make her proud and so she won't have to pay so much. We all need some kind of motivation and I guess the Lord saw my lack of true motivation and decided to provide another reason for me to get hot on moving towards getting healthier. God really knows how to provide even when we think we want things different ~ He knows best.

A joyful kid under the care of an exceptional Father,


P.S. I do have my own plan I just needed a kick in the derriere to get started. PTL!!

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