Monday, April 5, 2010

My Fantastic Four!

Today I slept in till 11:15 AM (well I should say I got up with my son, Sky, at 6:30AM first, took him to school and then hit the bed again). Mondays are my Kick-Back days (some may call it my Sabbath). Anyway, I take a much needed break from the hectic stuff and relax as much as possible even though I have four wonderful/busy kids whom I call "The Fantastic Four!". They each add so much to my life and learning about life. Their unique personalities bring interesting dynamics to life that are so amazing - I guess I am amazed everyday by them.
Some of the things I've learned as I've watched my "Fantastic Four" live, learn and grow are:
* Time can heal anything when we are willing to continue to learn and grow and work through fear and anger
* Loving each other by putting aside the ridiculous things in life is easier and more fun than dwelling on issues and drama
* "God's Got It" so why should I carry it?
* Patience is not what we think it is - so embrace patience and be blown away!
* Never give up on your kids, never! They are the biggest blessings in our life, especially the one who seems most difficult. If we are willing we can learn the most from the child who rubs us the 'wrong' way the most - they are our true angels unawares. So, embrace all you can learn from the difficult children in your life - the reward will be immense!
* Some people see danger and avoid it and realize one day how thankful they are that they did not go that way, others see danger and feel they have to explore it and then realize it was not such a good idea and then others embrace the danger and get burned.  Yet, no matter which way a child chooses... God will never forsake them and He understands and still only wants to love them and have a deep relationship with them. He will make all things new.


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